Programs & Affiliations
Enhancing the lives of dogs and the community through education and partnership of specific groups on a national and global level.

Veteran Dog Training program
We are extremely grateful for the service of our veterans and active military. This program allows our trainers to prepare rescue dogs to become service dogs for veterans with PTSD. To date, we trained and paired 150 service dogs with deserving Veterans. Our goal is to have 250 dogs graduate each year.
Seniors for seniors program
This volunteer-supported program was created to address the most at-risk categories of canine populations - dogs 7 years or older. It consists of two opportunities: adoption, which matches senior dogs with senior citizens and visitation, designed to help promote love and companionship.

Big Dog Ranch University
We believe that any dog can be helped through proper training of the dog and owner. The majority of issues that dog owners deal with are based in misunderstandings, combined with a lack of mental and physical fulfillment. BDU is going to help you clear up those misunderstandings.